IT IS easy business
Odoo - Open ERP-System
Odoo is a modular and fully integrated enterprise system for merchandise and finance, as well as production, storage, service area and more. Odoo is absolutely simple and intuitive to use and makes your business processes clear on a platform. Due to its high distribution and modular design, you can expand the system at any time.
They also work on company boundaries with customers, suppliers and business partners along productive - thanks to the browser-based solution even at any place and at any time.
IT IS specializes on your needs, the system tailored.
Benefit from over 18 years of ERP project experience and more than 325 successful projects. We will provide you with your solution, advise and support you before, during and after implementation with full deployment.
Benefit from us as Odoo consulting in Germany and as Odoo programmers in Germany..
IT IS easy docs
Alfresco - Document Management System
Alfresco is a document management, enterprise-class.
The Alfresco solution is easy to use, easy to deploy, and provides a comprehensive set of features.
One repository for managing any electric Files
Integrated workflow for managing complex business processes
Manage content for long-term retention and compliance
Collaboration (internal and external teamwork)
Business process management
Alfresco is an open-source system from which your company will benefit.
IT IS easy mail
Zimbra - E-mail client
Zimbra is an OpenSource e-mail program which has already convinced more than 1000 government and financial institutions and more than 200,000 companies of all sizes.
We will install and configure a product you can not only receive, write and manage your e-mails with but also manage your tasks. Your contacts are always ready to hand in a dataset and you can also manage your attachments in a dataset. Moreover Zimbra supports connectors to Microsoft Outlook and several Apple programs.
Use Zimbra all over Germany.
IT IS easy conference
With IT IS Conf you can have fast and secure meetings where you are not dependent on a big provider, who wants to have your data
Share your screen with your colleces or hold meetings with your customers.
IT IS Microsoft - NAV & Share Point
IT IS AG is the Microsoft implementer especially for e-business and B2B communication. We offer highly qualified solutions especially in the Na vision and Axapta environment (Microsoft Dynamics NAV and AX)). The spectrum ranges from normal merchandise management projects to the implementation of complex Biz Talk (ex Commerce Gateway) and international Share point portal projects.
Many thoughts are in the head?
Talk to us, we would be happy to advise you personally, in a structured and targeted manner.
Entsorgung bei Lidl mit IT IS active
Die Lösung für die Entsorgungswirtschaft bei der Firma Lidl, wurde auf Basis von Microsoft NAV und IT IS active realisiert, was durch die verwendete Webtechnologie für die Anwender einen großen Nutzen zur Folge hat.
Durch die IT IS Webtechnologie hat Lidl einen neuen, entscheidenden Vorsprung gegenüber dem Wettbewerb auch bei den internen Prozessen des Unternehmen gewonnen. Die IT IS AG ist bekannt für viele Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Hosting. Lidl fährt als größter Lebensmittel-Einzelhändler in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit stark im Wachstum und Marktdurchdringung. Die von der IT IS AG hergestellte und von der MSE GmbH implementierte Portallösung passt sehr gut zur Lidl Digital Strategie, in welcher moderne Techniken und gute Nutzbarkeit vereint werden. Exemplarisch in der Lidl Entsorgungslösung genutzt, ist das IT IS Produkt als flexibles, universell verwendbares und besonders preiswertes Zugriffsmodell eine sehr gute Ergänzung in der LIDL Unternehmens-IT.
Aber die Lösung ist schon etwas älter: Heutzutage setzt die IT IS AG solche Lösungen mit noch moderneren, quelloffenen und sicheren Systemen um. Im Produktportfolio stehen ausgereifte und zukunftsorientierte Lösungen, darunter IT IS easy business, IT IS easy docs, IT IS easy mail und IT IS easy conference. mehr dazu finden sie hier.
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